Teacher Information
Studio Registration
Teachers must register their studio to teach our syllabus work. All work and music is copyright to APDA or our syllabi.
Jazzaddict, Urban Ignition, Tap Evolution, La Beauté Ballet, Lucidity, Encore theatre Dance and Agility Acrobatics are all syllabi under APDA.
To become a registered teacher, you must complete the on-line application form. To qualify as a teacher of the syllabus you must meet one or more the following criteria:
- own an established dance studio, and/or
- have over 2 years teaching experience (references may be required), and/or
- hold the Syllabi Teacher qualification, and/or
- hold a recognised qualification under another established syllabus
If your application is accepted you will be required to pay the annual registration fee. The registration fee licenses the dance studio or individual freelance teacher for one year.
New teachers/studios are accepted on a two year trial. During that time they must enter candidates for examinations annually.
Examination results and teacher/studio report sheets will be monitored during that period. If the work of a teacher is considered substandard then the Asia Pacific Dance Association reserves the right to decline registration on the subsequent year.
Teacher Workshops
Teacher refresher courses are held in January every two years (bi-annually). It is strongly recommended that at least one representative from the studio attend each workshop. This is a valuable investment in the studio and business and is an important requirement to keep abreast of changes and professional development.
The workshop location can be in New Zealand, Australia or Asia.
Syllabus work, technical work and music are covered. Examiners and guest tutors conduct classes and seminars. Forums are scheduled to share ideas and suggestions. Networking is encouraged.
Teacher Certificates
Each of our syllabi provides a comprehensive teacher training curriculum which covers all aspects of teaching, health, safety and communication. Candidates for the Teacher Certificate must be 16 years or over.
Teacher Certificate
Qualification to teach Primary, Junior and Elementary grades.
The examination includes an oral interview and a practical assessment of teaching.
Prerequisites include a First Aid certificate and a minimum of 20 hours assistant teaching.
A Teacher Manual must be purchased by the candidate to study for the oral interview. The candidate is then tested on subjects which include:
- Health & Safety/ Anatomy
- Teaching & Class Management
- Business & Communication
The second half of the examination is a practical assessment which involves teaching students and demonstrating choreography. A thorough report is provided with a pass or fail grade given.
Candidates must achieve 75% or higher in both the oral and practical assessments to pass the Teacher examination.
This is to ensure we maintain the highest standards of teaching within our dance studios.
Advanced Teacher Certificate
Qualification to teach Intermediate and Advanced grades.
This examination is a practical assessment of teaching (no oral component required).
Our Studio Partners

What our studio partners say
You have questions, we have answers.
You’ll have 7 days to look at the materials to see if APDA is a good fit for your studio. Check out the six different genres available to you.
Yes, we have responsibility to students and parents in our dance community to offer quality dance education worldwide. We must ensure that APDA teachers offering our syllabi are of the highest standard. Applicants need to either have an internationally recognised dance qualification OR own an established dance studio/ Referees need to be provided. If your application is not accepted for any reason, you will receive a full refund.
We can set you and your teachers up in less than 48 hours if you meet our criteria. Go into the FREE TRIAL and follow the steps to register.
There is a one-off joining fee of USD$40. Annual registration is USD$150 per syllabus with bundle.